In 2010 i purchased a 1974 Bedford Van on an impulse - ok, i wanted to relive my youth and i wanted to do the Variety Bash in style. I spent the entire summer of that year stripping, grinding, welding, painting and generally having a blast - and then i realised, i'm really not very good at this! So it was off too the panel shop for what was to become the 2nd realisation. They too, were also not very good at this! Enter my Twighlight Zone moment where i met 'The Legend' of Vanning Mr John Evans (as explained earlier) and we never looked back. I mean seriously, what do you get when you have two like minded lunatics feeding off each get 'The Magic Bus' thats what! (as well as a heap of laughs along the way!) Our beloved bright green beddie has helped us transverse many thousands of kilometers across, down and up this magnificent country and in turn, meet many other lunatics who's sole aim is to raise funds for disadvantaged children - Through this adventure I have come to know exaclty what they mean by "Living the Dream".
To date this little green Beddie has raised close to $50,000.00 for children in need - not a bad effort for what was once an old rust bucket!